
Fotos Hubud

Bali: Mobile-Work boomt

Im August war Barack Obama auf Bali, der Insel, auf der er einige Jahre seiner Kindheit verbrachte. Und er besuchte auch Ubud, was in der Coworking-Space-Szene für Freude sorgte. Unter den Digital Natives boomt die Insel und hat sich zu einem Lieblingsort entwickelt. Coworking-Arbeitsplätze gibt es dort mittlerweile reichlich. Mehr über ihre Gestaltung.

Das Dorf Ubud, in dem Obama im Sommer unterkam, war vor zwanzig Jahren vor allem noch für seine Kunsthandwerker und seine balinesischen Theater-Aufführungen bekannt. Heute ist Ubud einer der Lieblingsorte der digitalen Nomaden, die ihre mobile Arbeit mit dem Herumreisen verbinden und besonders gerne auf Bali bleiben, des Wetters und der geringeren Lebenshaltungskosten wegen.

In Ubud gibt es etliche WLAN-Cafés und ein halbes Dutzend Coworking-Spaces, von denen das Hubud das größte ist. Über zwei Etagen verteilen sich die Arbeitsplätze auf 400 qm, dazu ein Konferenzraum für zwanzig Personen, ein kleinerer für sechs Personen und eine Skype-Box. Seit der Coworking-Space im Jahr 2013 eröffnet wurde, haben 4000 Personen die knapp drei Dutzend Arbeitsplätze genutzt.

Mehr über die Gestaltung des Hubud von Managing Director Chris Thompson:

1.) How do you organize the workplaces, do you have open spaces or indiviual offices?

Here in Ubud our plan is open space and we don't offer individual offices, but that is a plan in the future. 

2.) Which materials do you use for desks and office-furniture? And how do you handele the special clima and weather?

Sustainability (in all senses) is central to the Hubud philosophy. Our space is finished primary with artisan bamboo, with flooring done in recycled ulin (ironwood) wood to create a natural, inspiring environment. The rice field and volcano view from our garden cafe isn't bad, either. Bali is tropical so that can be a benefit and a challenge. We have plenty of open spaces with lawn area, open seating area and beautiful rice field views. But we also have closed air conditioned spaces for hotter days. We provide many different environments  for the wants of many different people.

3.) Which desks and spaces are the people prefering who are renting a desk?

At Hubud, we have an open-plan, hot-­desk arrangement. We created this with the aim to pursue efficiency and members ­to ­members collaboration in mind. This also means that members can not necessarily "book" a particular desk in advance, or create a "dedicated" workstation for their own personal use. In our expansion plan, we are going to create a section that could accommodate members who want to rent a dedicated desk/office space. But in the meantime, we only have an exception for members with Unlimited plan (some of whom need to set up an extra monitors for their work) and teams.


4.) What kind of special services are you offering?

We have an amazing cafe with a wide range of foods: gluten free, fresh baked goods, sandwiches, curries, salads, snacks, main meals and more. We also have an exceptional coffee machine to make anything our members want. We do weekly yoga and breathing sessions along with hundreds of other workshops and programs.



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